Nova Scotia’s Rock Skipping Championship

Pleasant Paddling hosts the Third Annual Rock Skipping Championship.

Join us at The Point in Blue Rocks for our third annual Nova Scotia Rock Skipping championship. All funds raised at this event will be donated to ProKids Recreation Funding Programs in Lunenburg County!

We'll have "Blue" rocks available to throw but everyone is encouraged to bring their own rocks as well. All ages welcome with kids under 12 years old throwing free. Prizes! Bring your throwing arms and be prepared to jump in the ocean for the "Rocks Skip Jump".

PROKids is a local organization granting financial support to families for children to participate in recreation and extra-curricular activities. For more information on PROKids visit their website here !

$Pay by number of rocks thrown



  • Standard rock skip – Most skips wins. All/any rocks acceptable.
  • Rock Skip Jump – Most skips wins. All/any rocks accepted. Thrower must be in the air jumping into the water when rock is thrown.


  • $10 for three rocks total


July 26th, 2025


10am to Noon